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Our Members


CIFC currently has 24 Korea’s public and
private financial institutions and
financial associations as its members.

7 Korea's financial public institutions strengthen bases for global financial cooperation
by sharing successful financial developments.



As a state-run institution, KOTEC provides financial support to the innovative SMEs in the form of credit guarantee and equity investment based on the technology evaluation for the development of the national economy.



KODIT provides comprehensive supports for SMEs such as credit guarantee, credit insurance, infrastructure credit guarantee service and management consulting. The credit guarantee service is to facilitate financing for promising SMEs which lack collateral.



KDIC protects depositors in a situation where financial institutions such as banks, investment traders and brokers, insurance companies, and mutual savings banks are unable to pay deposits due to their bankruptcy, etc. and thus contributes to the maintenance of the stability of the financial system.



KSD is the sole securities depository and settlement organization of Korea, providing a wide range of post-trade services from the securities deposit and settlement to the FundNet and retirement pension platform for Korean securities market.



Established in 1962, KAMCO purchases and resolves financial institutions' NPLs, restructures corporations, supports financial defaulters' credit recovery, manages and develops state-owned properties, and collects overdue taxes in order to contribute to the development of financial industry and national economy.



HF is a quasi-governmental institution that contributes to the promotion of national welfare and the development of the national economy by performing the securitization of mortgages, issuance of credit guarantees for housing finance and guarantees for reverse mortgages in order to facilitate the supply of housing finance on a long-term and stable basis.



IBK, estabalished in 1961, is a state-owned, policy-based financial group that has been spearheading the growth of national economy through its commitment to the development of a sound SME eco-system in Korea. Providing more than 70% of total loans ot SMEs in Korea and operates a global network of 57 branches and offices in 12 countries.


KDB Bank

KDB was found in 1954 with an ive of fulfiling policy financing mandates. As a leading policy bank wholly onwed by the government, KDB has been a pillar of the national economy. It has strategicaly changed its role to expedite industrial development, provide safety net for the economy in times of cirsis and promote growth drivers in light of the 4th Industrial Revolution.



Established in 2002, CCRS supports financial customers suffering from over-indebtedness and credit problem for their better financial lives by providing credit counseling, debt management, assistance for filing for bankruptcy, financial education, and microfinance.